Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Days are Flying by

We've been back in MD for 2 weeks and 1 day. In some ways it feels like we've been here for 2 months not 2 weeks! The days are just flying by so quickly. Granted we've been pretty busy but gosh I just can't believe that June is coming to a close. How can I slow time down a little and take advantage of some of these lazy days of summer while I can?! My parents have a nice hammock in the backyard and I laid in it once for about 10 minutes. I really need to make it a point to have a nice nap in it at least one time this summer. Who am I kidding. I'm not a good relaxer. Jess always tells me to just relax and take a break every now and then. But it always seems that when I get a minute to just chill out, I start thinking of all the productive things I could be doing with my time and then I end up just getting up and doing something. I need to make a mid-years resolution! I resolve to take some more time for myself and just relax. To "smell the roses". To just be. I think I can do that. I'll get started right after I.....

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Heat and Humidity

So we're faced with getting used to the twin demons again, heat & humidity. It's been hot the last couple of days. And although people say the humidity isn't that bad, and I concur b/c my hair has been okay, but being from a dry arid climate I can definitely detect the moisture. I'm not going to be a Debbie downer about it though. I know it won't be forever and in the blink of an eye I will be bundled up for winter and wondering when the warm weather will return. Jess is enjoying it. He loves hot weather. He would much rather be hot and sweating then cold. (We'll see how he makes it through his first winter though.)
Now I will prepare to leave the house and see how long it will take me before I start perspiring. :p

Sunday, June 17, 2007


A big sense of relief is what I feel now. We're here, we made it and we don't have to rush through a visit and go back. I keep saying I need to do this and that but then I'm reminded that I have plenty of time now to do everything. I guess all the rushing around and planning the past several months has taking its toll. I've forgotten how to relax. I'm learning that again. I'm recharging my batteries right now, taking a deep breath and exhaling. I know coming home was the absolute best decision. I feel at peace again for the first time in a long time. I'm here now and I don't have to worry anymore about being so far away and if something happened. We're both so happy to be here. And so excited to start fresh with this new chapter in our lives!

Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.” Arnold H. Glasgow

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Back in MD

We have arrived! We made it to Maryland late last night exhausted and travel worn but happy. It was a nice journey. We had great weather for the trip and we saw a lot of this beautiful country of ours. We're tired of driving and a bit out of sorts with the time zone changes but once we catch up on our rest I'll post some pics we took.

We did it!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Packing, Packing and more Packing

The past few days have been a blur of boxes. The more stuff we go through, the more stuff we find! How can 2 people accumulate so much stuff?! I like being organized and I like to clean but I can't stand going through all my possessions and deciding what to part with forever and what to keep. I'm so gung ho one minute thinking ditch it all start from scratch but the next minute I get so sentimental and one to hold on to every piece of my life in CA. Uggggh. I always have the memories and the connections I've made, but why is it that I feel I need some tangible piece to my past to hang on to?

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Two Dozen Pink Roses and a Dora Balloon

Thursday was my last day of work. I have to admit I was a little sad while I was getting ready that day. I had worked at M.D. just shy of three years. Eventhough that doesn't seem like a long time, it composed most of my time out here in CA. And it was the place where I met some of the best people I've had the honor of calling my friends.
As I walked into work my desk was decorated with streamers and balloons and there was a giant Dora the Explorer balloon floating above my chair. Spread across my desk were cards, gifts and a beautiful vase of 2 dozen of the prettiest, aromatic pink roses. I was so touched that my coworkers did this for me! The day continued with a potluck and lots of well wishes for my future and expressed sadness of my departure.
When I left at the end of the day carrying out my box of things and Dora in tow I had a smile on my face. I had closed another chapter in my life and I was looking forward to the new part of the journey about to begin. Saying goodbye is never easy but this goodbye was wonderful. I feel so blessed to have had this experience in my life. I will always have great memories and had the opportunity to know such wonderful people.

Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes. ~Henry David Thoreau