Monday, May 28, 2007

College Life

My SIL had this on her blog and I had time to kill while making dinner...

College: Freshman year - Mt. St. Mary's College
The Rest - University of MD College Park

When you attended, where did you live?
Year 1: Pangborn Hall 1st floor (MSM)
Year 2: Washington Hall w/ my bro for a month and then finally got a room over in Hagerstown Hall for the rest of the semester
Year 3: 2115 Washington Hall
Year 4: 2115 Washington Hall
Year 4.5: 2115 Washington Hall

Who was/were your roommate(s)?
Year 1 - 1st semester Gianna 2nd semester by myself
Year 2 - my bro and his 4 rugby playing roomies and then Chrissie
Year 3 - Aimee, Vanessa, Sarah, Susie, ?
Year 4 - Aimee, Vanessa, Sarah, Jean, Chrissie
Year 4.5 - Vanessa, Sarah, Julie..........I didn't spend much time there and I can't remember names right now?!

Do you still talk to them?
I still talk to Aimee, Vanessa, Sarah and Jean

Ever get in trouble in the dorms?
I'm not recalling anything so I must not have ;)

Something you remember when you lived on campus?
- Walking to class in the pouring rain. My first semester there it rained every wednesday. no joke!
- Going down to the convience store to buy cookie dough. YUM.
- rotissere chicken and oatmeal rasin cookies in the dining hall. they were my favorites
- walking to the dining hall in your pjs on the weekends
- drinking on the roof with Jean
- drinking way too much most of the time
- working at the Chapel
- tailgates
- always having my girls for support

phone number?
don't remember that but I do remember how the phone would ring 2 different ways. One kind for off campus calls and one kind when someone would call you on campus.

First party attended?
Freshman year that first weekend was like one giant party.

Favorite Pizza Place?
Papa John's for sure

Favorite place to go out to eat?
the resturant on campus that you could use your meal points for. I forgot it's name but we went there often.

Did you go to the library?

What was your Favorite Floor you'd always be on?
2115 Washington Hall

Where did you buy your books?
Maryland Book Exchange!

Play any sports?

Ever attend a sporting event?
All the time! I always went to the tailgates for football games but didn't always make it in to the games!

In any clubs?

Ever attend a concert or comedic performance?
We had this thing for going to watch the acapella groups when they'd do concerts. They were good!

Favorite professor?
I can't remember her name but she was one of my family studies professors and I just loved to listen to her talk. She was really into what she was teaching.

Have you ever spent the night on campus not in a residence?

Favorite night to go out on, and where did you go?
I went out most nights. I knew the specials for each day of the week at all the bars.

Where did you get coffee?


Favorite Year of Halloween?
The year us roomies got all dressed up and went to go to some club in D.C b/c one of my roomies said they were having a Halloween thing and when we got down there everyone was goth and we were the only idiots dressed up so we left.

Favorite memory?
There are so many of them. Honestly. I had a wonderful college experience.

Go see a play or been in one?
watched but never in

Ever have a job?
I was a chapel assistant on weekends. I would set up and supervise the chapel when they had weddings there which was every weekend. I enjoyed it.

What do you hate about your college?

What did you love most about it?
I loved the fact that I was there. I knew college was something not everyone had the opportunity to do and I was grateful I was there and learning so much. And I loved the friends I made. I met some of the greatest people and am honored to still call them friends.

Where would you believe is the best location to live in?

definately on campus.

Graduated or still attending?

Year of graduation?
Dec 2000

Will you go back?
I've been back for sporting events but since I've been out here I haven't. I'm so looking forward to going back again!

How many parking tickets have you gotten there?
I got a few in my day! But I've heard worst stories.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunny CA Days

It's a beautiful sunny CA day today, at least it is inland. The coast may be gray today. That's one thing you learn out here as a resident, the weather at the beaches can be completely different from a few miles inland. Ahhh, CA. Your famed mild weather has won over countless numbers of people. It's been nice, but for us, it's never been the end all be all selling point. We both made our way out here seperately and found one another. We've loved our time here, we've enjoyed the weather and we will always be grateful. Yes, that's right everyone. We have enjoyed the mild year round days that is Southern CA. For everyone that has grappled with our news of leaving and felt we have somehow betrayed their personal love of sunny CA and made it a point to ask "But aren't you going to miss the weather?" I say to you all, "Not that much.". It's nice but it's not for me. I'm a seasons girl. I need a change of weather. I miss having 2 different wardrobes. I yearn for a white Christmas. I long for a thunderstorm! Give me variation!!
I'm sure there will be days, especially as the winter months drag on, I will sigh and admit my sunny CA would be a nice place to be at that moment. But it will pass. And I will move on. Thank you CA for embracing us. Thank you for your mild weather and loads of sunshine you've showered upon us. But do not be sad for us. We choose to leave and we will have no regrets for doing so. Never.

"There are no regrets in life, just lessons."
Jennifer Aniston

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Mama, I'm Coming Home!!

So I can officially announce it........we're heading back east!!!! We gave our 2 week notices to our employers yesterday and then we are hitting the road. We are both so ecstatic. It's been a long time in the works and it's finally happening. I waited until to today to come out about it b/c my Mom's bday is today and I wanted to give her the good news. Well I actually told her last night b/c A) I couldn't wait and B) they had the kids today so I knew she'd have a full day today. So we told the family and we're spreading the word. The next few weeks will fly by in a blur of packing, saying goodbyes and soaking up what we can of our life out west. We've enjoyed our time out here and have no regrets. It's just time to move on and being the next chapter in our lives. Do I hear pitter patter of little feet????

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Hot Water, Cable and TV on DVD

Some things you take for granted until you're without them. I admit there are things that once I've gone without for a little while I actually find it freeing. My addiction to old school Tetris is a good example! But there are things that once you don't have, you realize how much you depend on it. Yesterday we had no hot water. This, unfortunately, is a very common occurance in the building we live in but lately it seems to be happening every other day. Last weekend it was due to 2 pipe bursts in 2 different units. That's a holy mess and I feel for the people that had their apartments flooded. It was only a year and a half ago that we awoke in the wee hours of the morning to most of our floor being covered in a few inches of hot water. But to repair something like that they have to turn off the water for everyone until they can stop the leak and repair it. Okay. grumble, grumble. I know no one can help getting flooded out. However, having our hot water just randomly go off for days at a time for no reason is what the rest of the week was like for us. AND since all the condo conversion crap and the shadiness of the goings on around here, we have 1 contact person. And he never answers his phone and doesn't return messages. So the best we can do is wait for it to come back on. Thank God for friends who live close by and hallelujah we are getting out of here!! Another learning to live without item is cable t.v. Our cable went out last week. Cable was supposed to be included with our rent price?!? That though we can deal with. It sucks but at least having only 6 channels is forcing up to focus more on packing. And I've found I can pack and catch up on some television series I've always meant to watch or re-watch some old favorites!! YAY Golden Girls!! What did people do in the dark days of no indoor plumbing and no t.v.??

Saturday, May 19, 2007

It's My First Time

So this is my first official blog entry. It's a chilly saturday morning, I'm drinking my coffee and I decided I should give this thing a shot. I've been catching up on my SIL's blogs recently. (I'm sad I haven't done it sooner because I love to read about all the ups and downs of life in the PoF household!) In fact my SIL is the reason I have finally decided to enter into the world of blogging. Thanks for the encouragement Erika! Let the blogging begin........