Some things you take for granted until you're without them. I admit there are things that once I've gone without for a little while I actually find it freeing. My addiction to old school Tetris is a good example! But there are things that once you don't have, you realize how much you depend on it. Yesterday we had no hot water. This, unfortunately, is a very common occurance in the building we live in but lately it seems to be happening every other day. Last weekend it was due to 2 pipe bursts in 2 different units. That's a holy mess and I feel for the people that had their apartments flooded. It was only a year and a half ago that we awoke in the wee hours of the morning to most of our floor being covered in a few inches of hot water. But to repair something like that they have to turn off the water for everyone until they can stop the leak and repair it. Okay. grumble, grumble. I know no one can help getting flooded out. However, having our hot water just randomly go off for days at a time for no reason is what the rest of the week was like for us. AND since all the condo conversion crap and the shadiness of the goings on around here, we have 1 contact person. And he never answers his phone and doesn't return messages. So the best we can do is wait for it to come back on. Thank God for friends who live close by and hallelujah we are getting out of here!! Another learning to live without item is cable t.v. Our cable went out last week. Cable was supposed to be included with our rent price?!? That though we can deal with. It sucks but at least having only 6 channels is forcing up to focus more on packing. And I've found I can pack and catch up on some television series I've always meant to watch or re-watch some old favorites!! YAY Golden Girls!! What did people do in the dark days of no indoor plumbing and no t.v.??
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